The horns of the Moose are very characteristic,being of immense size and palmatedbefore and behind so that an averagefull-grown pair weighs seventypounds and shows a spread of forty-sixinches between the points of the posteriorbranch as against a length of thirty-eightinches. Our illustration is a photographof one with horns of remarkable size,measuring about seventy-one inches fromtip to tip in a line across the head. Itis not until the third year that the hornsare palmated, and they increase in sizefrom year to year. In the winter the oldhorns are cast, but they sprout again inthe spring, and by June have shed theirvelvet and appear a beautiful white. Althoughso large and characteristic, it isnot known that they serve any more usefulpurpose than as weapons during therutting season. In running through thewoods the Moose throws his head back,and, despite the spread and weight ofhis horns, he is able to move about withoutbreaking a twig.
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